If you are a fan of volleyball, and more so a player, you should consider a solid partner such as Acuspike watching your back. Apart from practicing with your teammates and coach at the court, you can further hone your skills at the comfort of your home.
Individual volleyball training devices can help you improve and master drills such as serving, passing, setting, and hitting. Here are some basic but crucial drills that every volleyball player should have.
How to improve passing in volleyball
This technique aims to move the ball to the setter. It is the first contact with the ball by your teammate during a game. The serve is performed in two main scenarios:
- when the ball need be served
- a player of the opposite team attacks the ball
You serve a ball that has been sent over from the other side of the court by your opponent. Pass is a very important skill in volleyball and can be the difference between a team’s success, or failure. These tips are essential when you are doing the forearm or overhead pass.
Tip 1 Find your balance
Stand in an athletic position and place your right foot behind the left so that the right one is perpendicular to the left. Both feet should be 4 to 5 inches apart. Ensure this stance is stable and comfortable so that you do not feel like you want to fall off.
Tip 2 Point the feet
Let the left foot point where you want the serve to go. For instance, if you’re serving down the net line, let your left foot, torso, and hips point straight ahead.
Then, turn the same left foot, hips and upper part of your body to face your targeted direction.
Tip 3 Face
After turning the body, now face your target direction. Anyone watching you should be certain of the direction the ball will follow. Faking a serve rarely succeeds. Facing a particular direction and serving in a different one sends you off balance and increases the chances of serving out.
Tip 4 Move slightly forward
Place your support foot, hips, and square shoulders towards your target. A player creates more force and thrust on a tossed ball when all the energy is focused in one direction. When different parts of the body move in various directions, the serve is less powerful and effective.
Tip 5 Keep the weight back
Move slightly backward so that the entire weight of your body shifts to the back foot. The serving technique needs only a little amount of lower body movement.
Tip 6 Shift the gears
Now, shift your weight from the back foot to the front one immediately, you toss the ball. This movement may not be visible or significant. However, when performed with the arm swing, it gives the ball enough momentum to go over the net and to the other side of the court.
Tip 7 Do the magical combination
Toss the ball mid-air with an open palm about two feet above the head and about one foot in front. Two feet up the head and one foot in front is the ultimate stance that maintains the body balance.
It enables you to transfer the body weight from the back foot to the front one. Then hasten the arm swing and make contact with the mid-air ball middle panels.
Tip 8 Lift the elbows
When serving lift, let the elbows be placed high above the ears. This position increases the chances of getting the ball above the net when you swing the arm to float serve. Adjust the elbow lift depending on how high or low you want the pass.
Tip 9 Take you time
Take time to do “your thing “, every time you need to serve. For instance, You can make it a habit to bounce the ball lightly at least three times in a row, then take a deep breath, point the front foot in the direction you intend to serve.
Basically, toss the ball, in the same manner, every time you are serving. The routine will help you to never serve in a hurry.
Tip 10 Be easy
This is the only time you have absolute control over the ball. Therefore, you must slow down and go through what you want to do next. Always be conscious when you want to serve the ball.
Watch out for these common mistakes
- Using the wrist instead of the forearm to hit the ball
- Not squaring the shoulders to the direction of the ball
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